
3 Months Old!

Today Mya turns 3 months old! We can't believe how quickly its gone. Mya is doing great these days. She's holding her head up really well, and has now figured out how to push up with her arms when she's laying on her belly. She is SO strong and is constantly moving her arms and legs, and looks like she's running a marathon!

Mya also started some rice cereal in her diet yesterday as well. She was eating about 7-8 ounces every 3 hours, so it was definitely time for her to get something with a little more substance in her belly!

Nan (Lauren's mom) has been here for the past 2 weeks helping out with daycare, and is here for another week or so. Mya is certainly getting spoiled, and loves dancing and singing with her around the house.

The other day, Mya also laughed for the first time. She's been giggling since she was about 6 weeks old, but this was an actual LAUGH where she really sounded like a little girl and not a 12 week old! It was very cute. She loooovveees talking to Daddy when he gets home and tell him about her day. She already has him wrapped around her finger... that didn't take very long!

Other than that, we've been busy trying to get adjusted being back at work and getting Mya on a schedule. We'll update with more soon!


Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxoxoxo

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