
Its Halloween...

Well, its not quite Halloween, but close! Although Mya won't be trick or treating this year, we put Mya in her bumble bee costume, and needless to say she hated it. We got 14 seconds of her in the costume before she lost her mind (although Philip and I and my mom thought it was the funniest thing ever). On the day of actual Halloween we're going to try again... hopefully we haven't scarred her for life. She did however love the pumpkin patch we took her to on Sunday. She fit right in and everyone there thought she was just the cutest little thing. We picked out some good ones for our front porch.

Mya also had a doctors appointment on Sunday (yes, our doctor does weekend hours). She got 2 shots and took them like a champ with only a little crying on the second one. She also weighs 13 pounds 7 ounces now at nearly 14 weeks old. She has found some new toys that she adores too in the house and is trying desperately to shove her hands in her mouth at all times since we believe she's started to teeth a bit (lots of drooling going on these days, and the hands are always in her mouth, and her gums are a little red in the front).

Mya is doing well with the rice cereal and probably won't start any other foods for about another month. The doctors are very impressed by how she's progressing and are shocked that she moves around and has so much strength at her age. She's already pushing up on her hands when she's on her belly and is holding her head up really well these days. She's also flipped herself over a few times (full disclosure here - we're not sure if it was an accident or not though!) and when she is on her belly and pushing up with her arms she's also moving her legs like she's trying to crawl... but she doesn't go anywhere of course. Not yet anyways...

More to come soon...
Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxo


New Photos

Here are some of the latest pics of Miss Mya. She is now 3 months and 1 week old. Enjoy!

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxox


Video Links...

Ok, so here are some of the latest videos we've taken of Mya. Some are a little long, so don't feel obligated to watch the WHOLE thing. But please do check out the link for Mya's appearance on CNBC!

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxoxo

Mya on CNBC - http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=42475455

Mya eating rice cereal for the first time - http://www.box.net/shared/d7s30q46oy

Mya laughing in the tub - http://www.box.net/shared/td195a78m1


The weigh in...

We just couldn't stand it anymore. We had to know what Mya weighed. She is quite the load to carry around these days, so we went to babies r us yesterday and bought a baby scale.

She is 13lbs 4oz. at 3 months and 3 days old. Later this week she goes back to the pediatrician to get another round of shots and get her normal checkup. She is doing great these days and is sleeping, eating and pooping like a champ. (I'm sure all of you could have done without knowing the latter, but oh well. We're proud of her!)

We'll update with some more pictures shortly.

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxoxoxo


3 Months Old!

Today Mya turns 3 months old! We can't believe how quickly its gone. Mya is doing great these days. She's holding her head up really well, and has now figured out how to push up with her arms when she's laying on her belly. She is SO strong and is constantly moving her arms and legs, and looks like she's running a marathon!

Mya also started some rice cereal in her diet yesterday as well. She was eating about 7-8 ounces every 3 hours, so it was definitely time for her to get something with a little more substance in her belly!

Nan (Lauren's mom) has been here for the past 2 weeks helping out with daycare, and is here for another week or so. Mya is certainly getting spoiled, and loves dancing and singing with her around the house.

The other day, Mya also laughed for the first time. She's been giggling since she was about 6 weeks old, but this was an actual LAUGH where she really sounded like a little girl and not a 12 week old! It was very cute. She loooovveees talking to Daddy when he gets home and tell him about her day. She already has him wrapped around her finger... that didn't take very long!

Other than that, we've been busy trying to get adjusted being back at work and getting Mya on a schedule. We'll update with more soon!


Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxoxoxo


Back to Work... Unfortunately

Mom went back to work on Wednesday (October 1st) after being off since the end of June. It has been wonderful being home with Mya since she was born in July, and it has been very difficult leaving her. Needless to say, she doesn't know much of a difference just yet. As long as she gets fed and changed, and you entertain her a little bit - she doesn't notice that mom is really gone just yet.

I have to say though, it was great coming home yesterday to a big smiling face! I am hoping to work from home every once in a while as work permits, but as many of you know its a very busy time in the financial news business... so we shall see what happens.

Phil's mom will be watching her today and tomorrow, and then Lauren's mom comes in to town on Saturday to help out for the rest of the month. We will also be sending Mya to daycare once or twice a week in October to get used to being around her new babysitter and the other kids she watches (that way she's used to them by November). By the way, we found a wonderful woman down the block from us that does it out of her house. She was recommended by our neighbors, and is great with Mya. We're so happy we found someone great that is close to us.

More photos will be posted soon...

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe xoxoxoxoxox