
4 weeks old today!

Today Mya turns 4 weeks old! Its hard to believe it! In one way it feels like we just had her yesterday, and in another way it feels like she's always been here. She is doing great, still eating and sleeping well. We really can't complain too much! We don't know her exact weight right now, but we are guessing about 9 1/2 or so. It seems like she gets heavier every day now.

Yesterday Mya got to hang out with her cousin Terrence - who is going to be 1 next month. As you can see, he's very big for his age! Mya is very alert and active already, so the two of them together when they get a little older will certainly be trouble.

Other than that, not too much else to report. Phil goes back to work next Thursday, so it will just be Mya and Mommy for a little while until she heads back in October.

See you all soon!

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe

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