
Its been a while!

Sorry we haven't posted any updates on Mya recently, its been a little crazy around here and we keep putting it off! Mya is now 9 weeks old (will be 10 weeks on Thursday), and weighs somewhere around 12 pounds. She last went to the pediatrician on September 19th and weighed 11 lbs. 12 oz., so we're thinking she's put on about 1/2 lb since then. She is definitely getting longer too - she was last 24 1/2 inches long, and it seems like she gets longer every day!

She also now sleeps in her crib! We just started that this week, and she is doing great. She seems to be pretty happy in there, and is also now sleeping through the night for the most part (about 7 hours or so straight), which we are VERY happy about!!! She is still just on breastmilk, no solids yet and no rice cereal either, but that will be coming probably in the next 5-6 weeks. The pediatrician said to wait to reduce the chance of her getting any food allergies (especially since Mom has a few, she may be more prone to getting some). She's up to about 6 ounces at every feeding too, which is great. She has quite the appetite!

Other than that, Mom goes back to work on Wednesday (October 1st), and Lauren's Mom is coming on October 4th to stay for the month to help us watch Mya. Dad is very busy back at work, and loving the school year so far, but missing Mya terribly.
Mya has also started talking (well, babbling) to her toys and her Baby Einstein videos too. She has also found her thumb too, and looovvees to suck on it when she's tired. She also now tries to mimic you when you talk to her too - its very cute. She is trying to get control of her arms and legs, and has started hitting some of the toys in her crib and swing too! She can also hold her head up now, although she's still a little wobbly. She's definitely getting there though, and probably within the next 2 weeks will be fine holding her head up.

By the way - in the birthday bet we had going, no one picked her actual birthday July 24th, or the exact weight. The closest person to the birthday (without going over) that also picked girl was actually Phil! He picked July 21st, and that she would weigh 8lb.s 2 oz. -- so he was only off by 3 ounces, and 3 days! Not too bad!!!

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