
Our 1-year wedding anniversary!

Today is Philip and I's 1-year wedding anniversary! What a difference a year can make! We'll be going out to dinner tonight... it will be the first time we've been out of the house for more than an hour together. Phil's mom will be babysitting, but we'll see how long it takes for both of us to miss Mya and rush home to see her.

Mya is doing great. She's up to eating about 4 ounces each feeding now (although its hard to tell since she's being breastfed), and is sleeping a bit longer in between feedings (which we're very happy about!) She's already outgrowing some of her clothes too! This thursday she'll be 4 weeks old, which is very hard to believe.

Also - we just want to say thank you to everyone who has stopped by to meet Mya, and everyone that has sent us cards and gifts for our new addition. We really appreciate everyone's generosity and thoughtfulness.

Mya is waking up now... so we must go. She's probably getting hungry. Again.

Philip, Lauren, Mya and Chloe

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