Just 19 days to go! Its taken Philip and I a while, but we finally have this blog up and running. We'll be posting all the updates to our new arrival as they happen, but for now we're simply just waiting for our little one to arrive.
This was our first shot of Baby Farrelly, at about 11 weeks old - and as you can see from the other shots below, he/she has grown a lot since then! Philip and I are not finding out if its a boy or girl, we want to be surpised that day. Philip thinks girl, I think boy. Whoever is right will have the ultimate bragging rights!
The pregnancy has gone pretty well so far - no major complaints other than back aches, swelling, morning sickness (in the beginning), and the usual discomforts. But I can't complain too much after hearing what some other women have gone through.
The baby's room is all finished (with a few minor details to be completed this week). The theme was bumble bees, and we did wainscotting in white on the bottom with light green paint on top. My mom also painted bumble bees as a border, and it turned out great. We'll be posting some of those photos soon as well. Our dog Chloe is a little confused as to what is going on in the house, and she loves sticking her nose through the slats in the crib to see if anything/anyone has shown up yet. Or maybe its just the toys in the crib she's after...
Here's the additional shots of Baby Farrelly... this first shot taken at about 13 weeks old.
Our 3D shots of Baby Farrelly - about 21 weeks old.
More to come in the next few days... stay tuned!