
Our first visit to the doctor

Today Mya had her first appointment with the pediatrician. She's 6 days old now, and the doctor says she looks great. Actually, the words she used were "she's a perfect little baby," which Phil and I already knew of course!

She's also gained a few ounces - she's now up to 8lbs. 1oz. She was born at 7lbs. 15oz., so she's eating very well and doing great.

Last night she also got her first bath since being home, and she loved it! Here's some of the photos of bath time with Daddy!


She's Home!

Mya was discharged from the hospital today! We are so happy to have her here, and she is adjusting well to being home. Today was her official due date, so it makes it even more special that she came home today.

She is eating well, and sleeping a lot (not to mention dirtying a lot of diapers!)

We couldn't be happier to have her home now. Its been a long few days - especially since she has had to stay in the hospital, and we got to go home. She had to stay an extra 2 days for precautionary reasons after a rough delivery, and a possibility of infection. Luckily though, all of her bloodwork and tests came back negative after 48 hours and she was allowed to come home today!

Now, we get to work on getting her on a schedule for the next several weeks... or is it the other way around?!

Lauren, Philip, Mya and Chloe


Picture Update

This is after a great feast.-----------------------

Here is Mya waking up for her feeding, Daddy has to annoy her in order for her to get going
--------------Leave me alone, I need my beauty sleep.


She's Here!

Here is a new addition to our family Mya Elizabeth born July 24th, 2008 @ 3:41pm. She was 7 LBS 15oz and 21 inches long. Mom is doing well, resting after breaking her water the prior night at 1:50am, just in time for her Nan to be here and laboring began at about 5:30am. We will update later with more pictures and information.

Love,Mom, Dad, Mya and Chloe


Any day now...

So we had another appointment today, and the doctor says everything looks great. The baby is in position and on its way soon! Not too much going on just yet - I'm dialated less than 1cm right now.

The doctor also estimated the weight to be somewhere in the 8lb 4oz range as of today. Of course this is just an estimate and may change depending on when the baby actually comes. Hopefully its not in the 10lb range though!!!

Other than that, my mom flys in tonight, so we're just waiting on her for now. So it looks as if she'll be here for the birth, which we're all very happy about.

More to come soon as we get closer!


6 days left!

Only 6 more days until our official due date... We were supposed to have an appointment today for them to estimate the weight and length of the baby, but it got pushed back to tomorrow because my doctor was stuck in surgery this morning. So, we'll just have to wait one more day to see what's going on with this kid!

In the meantime, here's the latest belly shot. Chloe must think my belly is her pillow. Hopefully it won't be there for too much longer though!

Updates coming tomorrow...


1 week to go!

We have 1 week left before our official due date, although we'll see what happens in the meantime! Its pretty much any day now, although my mom doesn't arrive until Wednesday night, so I'm trying to hold out until then. I'll just have to cross my legs for the next 3 days.

Philip and I go to the doctors tomorrow morning to get our last ultrasound done. They will give us a prediction on the length and weight, and see if the baby is making any moves for the way out.

Chloe (our dog) has now started sleeping in front of the crib in the baby's room. She definitely knows something/someone is coming, but who knows if she really grasps what. Either way - if its a boy or girl, she's in for a rude awakening! As Phil says - if we have a girl, she'll become a mannequin for modeling clothes, and if we have a boy, she'll become a riding horse around the house.

Another update will come tomorrow after we see the doctor...


Welcome to Baby Farrelly's Blog!

Just 19 days to go! Its taken Philip and I a while, but we finally have this blog up and running. We'll be posting all the updates to our new arrival as they happen, but for now we're simply just waiting for our little one to arrive.

This was our first shot of Baby Farrelly, at about 11 weeks old - and as you can see from the other shots below, he/she has grown a lot since then! Philip and I are not finding out if its a boy or girl, we want to be surpised that day. Philip thinks girl, I think boy. Whoever is right will have the ultimate bragging rights!

The pregnancy has gone pretty well so far - no major complaints other than back aches, swelling, morning sickness (in the beginning), and the usual discomforts. But I can't complain too much after hearing what some other women have gone through.

The baby's room is all finished (with a few minor details to be completed this week). The theme was bumble bees, and we did wainscotting in white on the bottom with light green paint on top. My mom also painted bumble bees as a border, and it turned out great. We'll be posting some of those photos soon as well. Our dog Chloe is a little confused as to what is going on in the house, and she loves sticking her nose through the slats in the crib to see if anything/anyone has shown up yet. Or maybe its just the toys in the crib she's after...

Here's the additional shots of Baby Farrelly... this first shot taken at about 13 weeks old.

Our 3D shots of Baby Farrelly - about 21 weeks old.

More to come in the next few days... stay tuned!